
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”

MARK 16:15

going all in with god

We were typical career professionals trying to balance our jobs, raising our kiddos and serving our local church until God started nudging us in the direction of missions. Over the years we’d done “missions”' and served refugee populations all over the world, but only in a limited capacity. In 2023, it was no longer a subtle nudge, suddenly God was speaking to us with a megaphone. We now had a choice to say, “YES!” and step into radical obedience or to continue with the status quo. Spoiler alert…we left our careers, sold our car, rented our home and packed up our kids to move to the Pacific Islands to attend the YWAM Crossroads Discipleship Training School (DTS)to be trained as missionaries. After DTS, God began to give us his dream for our lives; simply put to know him and make him known. We’re all in and continue to say, “Yes Lord" as we dive into full time missions! 



"We want to send waves of young people from every nation to every nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ."


ywam founder

We have committed to help pioneer a brand new YWAM base in the Raleigh-Durham area. The story of pioneering YWAM Raleigh actually starts way back in 1975 when my parents (Jim and Myra Sink) drove overland from Europe to India on a scouting trip which helped to pioneer the first YWAM base in India. My parents stepped out in radical obedience and their YES had a ripple effect. There are now 100 bases in India. That ripple effect has now spread right back here to Raleigh. YWAM Raleigh just launched and the leaders are from YWAM India, crazy right! Our hope is to train and equip young people and the young at heart to know God and make him known here and around the world.


I (Waleed) had seen the devastation of war for 10 years and had the emotional and mental scars to prove it. Until I experienced freedom and healing while on DTS. Now, I'm dedicated to helping fellow veterans find the same sense of liberation. I'm working on building a ministry aimed at assisting veterans in their transition to civilian life, restoring their foundation and renewing their Godly purpose.


My (Hannah) training and vocation has been concentrated in storytelling and filmmaking for 20 years. My heart now is to pour into the next generation and develop a program for Christian artists (storytellers and filmmakers) to equip and train them in discipleship, craft and community outreach. As artists we have the mandate to proclaim hope in and through our art. It’s about transformation, not just creative imitation. 



“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15

“Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”
Matthew 28:19

“I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”
1 Corinthians 9:16

OUr Heart

Inspire, train and Teach

To have us speak at your church, outreach, DTS, or event contact us at hhamzacreative@gmail.com. 

Watch this video to see Hannah and Waleed speak.


We are ALL IN. We LEFT OUR CAREERS, stripped down our living and are raising 100% of our income as full-time missionaries to share the fire that burns in our hearts for Jesus. Will you stand with us?

Please partner with us by giving a monthly or one-time tax-deductible gift online.

